

Taking myself from adequate to extraordinary

Alright gang...I finally bit the bullet, and I mean bit-down-hard.

I'm officially on a book kick and I've got self-motivation on the horizon where ever I look...So, I'm jumping in with both feet, with the following two goals solidly on the front burner.
  • Number 1: Evaluate myself. Where/how can I achieve better results in my personal life and in my professional career? How can I learn more about the inner workings of really being a "Manager". I can only do this with some serious reading - not just books I've read, but a barrage of books on several different levels - books I wouldn't think of picking up one yr ago.
  • Number 2: OK, so I finally self-admitted that I need a coach, a Life Coach. No..A Motivational Coach. Well, sort of. A Personality/Attitude Coach....Well, close, I suppose. A Leadership Coach...yes, that sounds closer, I think. Maybe counseling to help unlock my "strong adult" vs. my "child"...hmm, that sounds eery, like a need a shrink or something.......I don't know what this goal is exactly yet, but I know I need professional support, a real person able and willing to guide me on my journey, someone I see biweekly or more and someone I confide in for support.

I'm excited, nervous, slightly overwhelmed, but giddy like that first day back in Grad school in a Dynamics of Social Relationships course. Let's see where this takes me. I've already jetted through a great book and I'm seeking a life coach next week to see if it's the right angle for me...


Marianne Thorne said...

Have you heard of the Creative Goal Setting Program? I am the Attitude Coach who designed it in the 1990s. It is about creating a value centred approach to what you really want (priorities, values, goals, etc)in 12 areas of life and allowing/receiving what you have asked for; VERY effective, fun and easy. I have helped people win Gold at the Olympics, would love to assist you with your attitude too! By being clear about what you really want, you will get it! Go For It.

Paul Alexander said...

Marianne - I have not heard of that program, but I'm green on the topic anyway. Thanks for commenting and will you keep you in mind for sure. It sounds close to Rhonda Burns' book, "The Secret" in terms of asking for and believing in what you want with constant intercession to assure you reach it...I've read it and watched the DVD's. It was a good primer for me (and my wife actually:-)). I will research this creative goal setting method this weekend.

Marianne Thorne said...

No intercession required when using the Creative Goal Setting (CGS) Program, as explained in the program, you are the direct cause of your reality. A very powerful position to be in, and a position improved with awareness. I agree, "The Secret" is a great primer, as CGS is a great tool to make it happen with fun & ease. CGS is on facebook too.