

A first experience with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

A good friend introduced me to this concept by suggesting a give it an honest try. I'm in a good place with myself and decided to have at it. Leaving the session on Tue, I felt changes and the next day I noticed those same old, ugly thoughts that had plauged me in meetings, during interactions w/colleagues and bosses, and in home situations were a lots less stressful. It is truly from within that the NLP thing works, I get that. I have to believe and continue to see and act on the transformation, but honest to goodness, I thought this was hogwash at best going in. I had to be completely vulnerable and thankfully I did;).
John Grinder and Richard Bandler founded the NLP methodology, it appears, and I am soaking up bits of it this week from the Web.
My personal style of learning and adaptation has always been through reading, reading, reading, and reading some more....then writing it all down for absorption. I really see now how past experiences that have binding effects on me can be altered - not brainwashed, I guess - bu made to contain these new "resources" rather than the old junk. I guess I harvested out the old garbage and implanted anew. That's the best way I can describe this. The gal I worked with for those several hrs sure knows what she's doing and I appreciate that whole journey.

How do I blog about this stuff, this intimate stuff that's unfolding, and make it apply towards my goals of this blog? I'm starting to figure it out.

I'm halfway through Crucial Conversations...a great text. I'm actually listening to it in audio form. I am not a very good learner in this format, so we'll see. I like to see and feel the words on the page or in a document on my iPhone....nonetheless, this is another bit of homework I've given myself - this book, that is...
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